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Asthma Discovered Accidentally and Subcutaneous Emphysema Associated With a Spontaneous Mediastinum Pneumonitis in Shisha Smoker: About One Case

Journal of Lung, Pulmonary & Respiratory Research
Assao Neino MM1*, GagaraIssoufou MA1, Kashongwe IM2, Boubacar Tine H1 and Maizoumbou D3
Pneumo-Phthisiology Department, Lamordé National Hospital, Niger


Pneumomediastinum or mediastinal emphysema is a rare condition (1 case out of 7,000 to 12,000 admissions to the hospital) and poorly known which affects especially young healthy long-haired men. The causes are many, there seems to be no factor favoring actually identified even if certain series report a certain number of asthmatic patients for whom it can be a mode of disclosure of the disease. The shisha or Hookah is a water pipe whose phenomenon has become worrying and a fashion its last 5 years in Niger. We report a case of an 18-year-old patient with no personal and family history of asthma and no other personal medical and surgical history. However he was occasional tobacco to 1 year package weaned 8 months ago in favor of shisha smoke which he found more enjoyable than cigarettes. The patient had consulted in pulmonology for dysphagia, cough with purulent expectoration, dyspnea in exertion, chest pain, clear rhinorrhea and sneezing evolving for 4 days in a febrile context. Previously Mr MMI had been consulted by a general practitioner who had pre-scribed Penicillin V and Ibuprofen. The diagnosis of asthma of fortuitous discovery and subcutaneous emphysema associated with a spontaneous pneumomediastin in a shisha smoker was done. The evolution was favorable in one week with apyrexia, absence of functional signs, complete disappearance of subcutaneous emphysema and standardization of the face X-ray screened at 7 days later.


Pneumomediastinum, Asthma, Chicha, Niamey, Emphysema, Rhinorrhea, Pneumonitis, Pneumonia, Spontaneous mediastinum pneumonia, Cough
