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Change in the concentration of urolithiasis markers depending on the degree of activity of stone formation in patients with recurrent stone disease

Urology & Nephrology Open Access Journal
Kamalov A,1,2 Nizov A,1,2 Ohobotov D1
Director-academician, Moscow Research and Education Center of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Kamalov A, Head of the Urology Department in Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Ohobotov D, Director-academician, Moscow Research and Education Center of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia


The goal of the research: To study the change in the concentration of bikunin, osteopontin and nephrocalcin, depending on the change of the activity of urolithiasis in patients with recurrent stone disease.

Materials and methods: The study involved 152 patients with recurrent formation of calcium oxalate stones. All patients were divided into 2 groups: 78 patients who received complex preventive treatment (water load, Blemaren, thiazide diuretics, calcium inwards), and 74 patients who did not receive treatment. The concentration of bikunin, osteopontin and nephrocalcin in urine was measured by ELISA. We also measured the intensity of stone formation by means of x-ray spectral microanalysis of the urine samples. The follow-up period was 6 months, the examination was carried out 3 times - at the beginning of the study, on 3 months and in the end of the observation period after 6 months.

Results:After 6 months of observation, the bikunin concentration was significantly higher in the group of patients who did not receive treatment compared to patients who received preventive therapy (6,12±0,57mg/ml vs 3,28±0,86 mg/ml, respectively). The concentration of osteopontin in the group of patients who did not receive treatment was significantly lower (2,3±0,39mg/ml vs 3,4±0,36mg/ml). The concentration of nephrocalcin during the observation period did not change significantly. The presence of hypercalciuria does not lead to significant changes in the concentration of stone formation inhibitors.

Discussion:An increase in bikunin concentration in patients who did not receive treatment during the observation period is associated with an increase in the expression of this stone formation inhibitor due to an increase in the activity of urolithiasis. Reduction of the concentration of osteopontin in patients with high activity of urolithiasis is a consequence of the fact that osteopontin is a constituent component of calcium oxalate stones.

Conclusion:The measurement of the concentration of bikunin and osteopontin in urine, as potential markers, can be used in the early diagnosis of urolithiasis in order to determine the probability of a possible relapse in patients with calcium oxalate urolithiasis.


recurrent urolithiasis, urolithiasis markers, bikunin, osteopontin, hyperparathyroidism, hyperoxaluria, hypercalciuria,
