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The application of micropulse transscleral contact-compression diode-laser cyclocoagulation for emergency reduction of intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma

MOJ Clinical & Medical Case Reports
Kliuiev GO, Privalov AP, Luhova OM
Health Technology Ltd, Ukraine


We analyzed the efficacy, safety and speed reduction of IOP which cannot be corrected by other methods by a single threshold (MTCCLCC) procedure in patients with different forms of glaucoma. After one session of MTCCDLC IOP decreased on average by 11.39 mmHg.

The relative decrease in IOP was 33.0% for the group of patients with POAG group and 27.6% for neovascular glaucoma. The overall success rate for all patients was 52%. The achieved efficacy and the absence of serious complications indicate that threshold MTCCLCC can be widely used in clinical practice as a means of treatment for a quick reduction in IOP.


glaucoma, micropulse transscleral cyclocoagulation, laser, IOP, hypotension, phthisis, hyphema, vitreous hemorrhage, uveitis, inflammation visual functions, irreversible blindness, mechanical, vascular, metabolic
