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Serological identification of some blood groups of the washed bloodstains by using some common detergents based on micro-elution method

MOJ Bioequivalence & Bioavailability
Said Said Elsham,1,2 Metwally Abdalla E1 
Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology, Suez Canal University, Egypt
Metwally Abdalla E, Taif University, Egypt

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Blood grouping of the bloodstains at the scene of the crime may help to connect the criminal with the crime. An assailant attempts to remove the bloodstains from clothing by various procedures such as the use of water or detergents. This study aimed to assess the effect of some commonly used detergents (Ariel automatic, Persil and Soap) on the identification of human blood groups of ABO system which stains the different fabrics (cotton, wool and synthetic material). The study was carried out on 2160 samples of blood that stained fabrics dividing into four different blood groups; each group comprising of 36 dry bloodstains of specific blood group which stained the three mentioned fabrics and washed by water alone and the three mentioned detergents individually along with three control groups. Grouping of bloodstains was done by micro-elution technique before and after the washing by water only or detergents. The study showed that the use of detergents or water in the washing and removing of the bloodstains on the different fabrics affect the identification of blood groups of the bloodstains (A,B,O) except the blood group (AB) which showed that the use of water alone for removing it, did not affect its identification on different fabrics . The negative effect of all detergents on the identification of blood groups of dry bloodstains does not depend on the type of the blood group or the type of fabric or the type of detergent


blood, stains, grouping, detergents, genotypes, fabrics
