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Interactive effects of growth retardants in the production of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in Niger biological

International Journal of Hydrology
Moussa Maazou,1 Moussa Maazou,2 Ibrahim Baoua,2 Issoufou Hassane3
University Dan Dan Dicko Koulodo Maradi (UDDD/Maradi), Niger


This food competition between man and insects as race against up each part in a context where the first makes the feat on the last. strategies are to retard the growth of cowpea by performing removal interactive effects Raw old leaves, flowers, young pods and green pods between 20-40% respectively at the stage of branching, flowering and post-flowering. Thus the experimental device is a split-split plot with 4 factors not the same order of importance in terms of food. The setting up of absolute witness is biased because migration of the insect complex, uncontrolled variation source and makes it difficult to analyze the results.1,2

After twenty observations conducted on this test, the entomological challenge knows a partial solution with technologies for saving 0% infestation of major pests observed in 93% of the plots and the population of these insects was kept below the threshold severity in other plots on which few unmated individuals were observed and killed.
a.    A recontamination of the plots was observed following trivial movements of bugs from neighboring plots andgrass near the field.
b.    The removal of all leaves at the stage of advanced lifting modifies the port built in dense and attracts jassids.
c.    removal of all flower buds and flowers change the short cycle in an intermediate cycle.
d.    Better production of the leaf biomass was obtained on the plot (36) for having a fertility gradient.

Removing young or old leaves at the stage of branching and early harvesting of young pod stage post flowering gives the best yield potential of 3458 ± 9 and 3482 ± 9kg/ha obtained on plots 34 and 35 belong to a group. This technology produces 2.5 times more than 3 pesticide treatments.Stunting is a good strategy for the production of biological cowpea because it allows to deprive the larvae and adults of all food along its life thus leading to a breach of insect breeding cycle corresponding phenological stage.


shift, deprivation, larva, preventive and biological, air, soil and water, aphids, hairy caterpillar, worm cotton, the cotton bollworm, ootheca mutabilis, whitefly
