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A comparison of the degree of external root resorption between endodontically treated and its vital contra lateral teeth after orthodontic treatment

International Journal of Family & Community Medicine
Huízar González Irving Giovanni,1 García López Eliezer2


Introduction: External root resorption (ERR) is a common and often severe multifactorial problem in patients with orthodontic treatment. The excessive and uncontrolled mechanical forces compress the periodontium, which involves resorption cementum caused by the clastic activity.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the degree of ERR between endodontically treated teeth and vital contralateral after orthodontic treatment.
Methodology: The sample consisted of evaluating the initial periapical radiographs and the end of 36 patients with an average age between 20-39 years of which had one or more teeth with root canal treatment before starting orthodontic treatment, which was by at least one year. The vital contralateral tooth served as control.
Conclusion: No statistically significant difference in the degree of ERR during orthodontic movement between teeth with root canal therapy and teeth with vital pulp.


external root resorption, endodontically treated teeth, orthodontic treatment
