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World cup 2014: an analysis of the international media coverage


The 2014 World Cup’s legacy may be discussed in several areas, with consequences which go beyond the goals of one mere work and will only be fully understood in the long-term. The great investments on infrastructure, the wave of protests that took place in June 2013, Brazil’s defeat and the image the World Cup left of the country are only some of the topics which shall be approached. The bequeathed image of the matches abroad was one of great distress for the government, as well as for the general population, worried about a possible legacy which would relate the country to misery, violence and disorder, determining in the long run Brazil’s position in the international scenery. The country’s image abroad is not only an important element in the framework of the international relations; it also operates in a way to define the country’s self-perception, being an important way for the citizens to produce their own conceptions and branching out into several social areas, from the economy and politics to the culture.


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