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Study on surface water resources (river and pond) and their effects on agriculture at Godagari area, Rajshahi

International Journal of Hydrology
Md Razibur Rahman, Md Mamun Hossain, Md Shariful Islam


An attempt was made to study the surface water level of Padma and Mahananda river. We also studied about the discharge rate of Padma and Mahananda river. In peak season the water level and discharge for both river was higher than off peak season. So the water is stored in the peak season for the purpose of irrigation in dry season. The fluctuation of water level and discharge of Padma river is much more than the Mahanada river. An attempt was made to study the surface water irrigation system by burind Multipurpose Development Authority [BMDA]. The research was carried out on farm level at different places around Rajarampur pond shantospur pond. The complete work was carried out on various fields like water Level Discharge, Agricultural crop analysis, Environmental variation and analysis. A large area more than 500 acre has been made possible to cultivate only after the installation of the project in the dry season. As a result the annual production of various crops such as Aus, Amon, Boro, Wheat, Potato, Gram, Rape and Mustard, etc. Has increased to a large amount. The use of surface water from Rajarampur pond and Shantospur pond site has increased the production rate to 0.6M.Ton to 1.2M.Tons per hectare. It has been possible to plant lots of different types of trees in pond region which helps to keep the nature in normal condition. On the other hand the use of deep tube well for extracting ground water for the irrigation purposes is leading the ground water depletion and also may lead to natural imbalance. From a manual calculation it is found that about 4000 liters of water is required to produce to produce 1kg of rice. So the concern should be made on using the surface water to meet the huge irrigation demand.


irrigation, water level discharge, agricultural crops, extracting ground water
