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Productive diversification in livestock farms linking wildlife

Open Access Journal of Science
Ruben Montes-Pérez, Juan Magaña-Monforte, Ricardo Ake-López, Jose Segura-Correa


Historically, Mexican livestock production has experienced several crises, due to several factors; consequently producers have seek for other productive alternatives, one of which is the operation of Management Units for Wildlife Conservation (UMA). This type of units focused as agroecosystems can generate social, environmental and economic benefits. The UMA can complement conventional livestock production systems, as has been demonstrated in both hunting ranches and social land tenure know in Mexico as “ejidos”. There are several factors, which favor the success or failure of a UMA, which could be oriented to success by proper planning, implementation, control and evaluation of these agroecosystems that interact with the value chain of the diversified livestock system.


wildlife unit, livestock diversification, conservation and exploitation, wildlife agribusiness, Mexican wildlife units
