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Sacred and profane in the religiosity of Brahmanical Banaras: past to present


Banaras or Varanasi, name of ancient city Kasi, located on the western bank of the Ganges is known as unique ancient historical city; one of the oldest continuously settled cities of the world. Its origin is considered to be timeless. The vast cultural zone of Varanasi has been divided into two tendencies of occupation: the banks of the major river Ganga and the habitats and the habitats of the inland of the smaller river streams. These two have been termed as the “Kasi Varanasi” and the “Varanasi-Sarnath” regions and both these regions appear to have historical and religious significance. We do have Islamic and other religions presence in Banaras but our task as present is to discuss the sacred and profane in the religiosity of Brahmanical Banaras and it’s linkages since ancient times. This subject has been approached with a dynamic perspective; through assimilation of past and present in reference to the archaeology, mythology, geography, art and history and cultures as well as other sources of information on the lives and history of people: men and women. The study focuses on data collection, ranging from theoretical to narrations, storytelling, observation of rituals, site visits (City, Temples, Ghats and Punchakoshi pilgrimage) which becomes important to integrate complex issues of religion and socio-economic culture, specific objects, and landscapes and structures. 


Kasi, Banaras, Varanasi, ritual, religion, culture
