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Biosensor applicability in breast cancer diagnosis

International Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics
Izabela Lopes Mendes, Marcele Florencio das Neves, Felipe Souza Lopes


Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cause of cancer among women worldwide, early detection and treatment monitoring is of great importance, so advances in diagnostic device technologies are needed to develop highly sensitive detection methods. Noninvasive, such as biosensors. This study aimed to conduct a systematic literature review to describe the applicability of available biosensors for the diagnosis of breast cancer. A literature review was performed with the specific keywords in the Scientific Information Database (SID), PubMed and Science Direct electronic databases, from 2014 to 2019. Relevant literature findings showed the development and applications of related biosensors. to the diagnosis of breast cancer, combining response efficiency as well as a less costly and non-invasive procedure, where some devices perform tests on body fluid samples such as blood serum, saliva and urine samples, biosensors are responsible for characterizing and even quantify physiological or pathological changes present in the applied biological environment. It is concluded that advances in research and development of biosensors applied to the diagnosis of breast cancer is of great importance, as these devices provide an innovative, efficient and cost-effective screening in order to identify the biological changes related to breast cancer. Reduce costs involved in the process of diagnosis and monitoring of the disease.


biosensors, breast cancer, diagnosis
