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Evaluation of acupressure effect on reducing the need for dental injection in fixed prosthodontics

Journal of Dental Health, Oral Disorders & Therapy
Noha Taymour, Amal Nawasrah, Mai El Zayat


Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the acupressure in reducing the dental pain that may omit the need for dental injection.
Materials and Methods: A total of 10 patients who were treated by preparing vital abutments to provide them with fixed prosthesis after the metal try-in stage. Ethical form was approved from the department of substitutive dental science and the ethics committee of research. Consent form also was signed by the participants before proceeding on the procedure. Illustrative videos and photos were provided to the patients to get an idea about the acupressure procedure. Pain scale was determined before and after pressing on the related points. The point was determined according to the tooth being treated using dental ball burnisher, and one piece of pepper was fixed on that point with a tape and started stimulation for at least 30 seconds then tooth preparation was initiated. Statistical data analysis was conducted via SPSS version 23.0 (IBM, USA).
Results: Using acupressure instead of dental injection during metal try-in stage for dental fixed prosthesis was significantly effective (P≤0.011). There were more than 60% patients who believed in this new technique and none of them have any knowledge about the acupressure treatment. Conclusion: Acupressure could be a way to reduce dental pain, and thus reduce the need for dental injection before metal try-in in Fixed Prosthodontics.
Clinical significance: Acupressure can achieve a significant and clinically meaningful reduction of anxiety in dental patients.


acupressure, dental pain, dental injection, fixed prosthodontics, dental patients, anxiety, analgesia, psychological and complementary therapies
