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Social media and health: a critical review

MOJ Public Health
Ruhul Amin MD,1 Islam K2


Social networking sites have been frequented by internet users. Unfortunately engaging in social media has been associated with delinquent behaviors such as cyber crime, security threat, and poor academic performance. Online database literature has revealed an increased prevalence of health hazards including musculoskeletal, visual, auditory, and psychological disorders along with social and familial disharmony among regular users of social media in comparison to their non-regular user counterparts. Data have revealed an increased presence of low self-esteem and poor wellbeing among regular users of social media. This review has focused on the posture, duration of engagement, physical and behavioral health hazards of regular users of social networking sites. A comprehensive rehabilitation curriculum (postural training, health education, and awareness program) was an effective strategy for prevention and minimization of health hazards of regular social media users.


social media, social media disorders, health hazards, musculoskeletal disorders
