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Phytopanktonic composition and indicative species of water quality in high artificial ponds at Mexico city

International Journal of Hydrology
María Edith Ponce Marquez,1 Guadalupe de la Lanza Espino2


This study analyses the water quality and microalgae composition of an artificial reservoir in the Mexican basin called La Cantera, built in 2005. Thirteen years later (2018) it shows a change in both its chemistry and microalgae structure and a visible deterioration (eutrophication) due to several nearby internal academic and anthropogenic activities. This study has therefore assessed water quality by measuring concentrations of nitrogenated and phosphorus total inorganic nutrients (>500µM and 120µM, respectively) that showed an evident eutrophication. During our seven-year sampling period we found the following composition and predominance of algae of the taxa: Bacillariophyceae, Cyanoprokaryota and Chlorophyta. Results showed a predominance of the first biological taxa with nine indicative species of different contamination types with a preponderance of Navicula, and two in the case of the second taxa with a predominance of Microscystis.


La Cantera, artificial reservoir, eutrophication, bacillariophyceae
