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Yunnan Baiyao is effective in the treatment of stage 3 Onychocryptosis


An ingrown nail is the most common type of nail aberration, which can escalate to the point where it may hamper the person’s lifestyle and capability to perform activities of daily living. The big toe is frequently the digit most often affected, but other toes can also suffer this condition as well. The goal of treatment is to alleviate the patient’s pain, reduce inflammation and neutralize local septicity to restore harmony in the affected region.
Case study: A woman in her mid-fifties suffering from an in-grown toenail on the lateral portion of the right hallux seeks treatment with the hope of avoiding surgical removal of the entire toenail. The patient is completely averse to needles, poking, pricking or prodding in any capacity whatsoever. This condition has persisted off and on for the past 13years. The patient was advised Yunnan Baiyao as topical and oral treatment until cure of her condition
Results: After 8weeks of treatment using only Yunnan Baiyao, in three different modalities, the patient experienced complete relief from the affliction.
Conclusions: Yunnan Baiyao by virtue of ability to invigorate blood tissue can be effective for an ingrown toenail when the root of the condition involves Blood Stasis.


YNBY, yunnan baiyao, RA, rheumatoid arthritis, AA, arachidonic acid, RCTs, randomized control trials, phenolization, uterine hemorrhage, ulcerative colitis, traumatic injury, herbal decoctions
