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Qualitative framing analysis on women’s issues: the case study of the Hindu


The treatment given to women’s issues in newspapers gained wide attention these days. The coverage of issues pertaining to women’s rights and violations have attained a new significance in mainstream English dailies. In a male-dominated and patriarchal society, women deem fit to have been relegated to secondary positions both in professional and domestic surroundings. The newspaper readers judge the status of women in society through the words, facts, and materials incorporated by the newspapers. This paper is an attempt to qualitatively analyze the framing of news from a women’s rights paradigm as covered by the newspapers under study. The framing analysis of the selected pieces of the news items covered by the identified newspaper shows that the press seems to have covered the issues related to women and atrocities meted against them, but the portrayal of women appears to have been sensational and captivating as a whole. The exploration of women’s achievements in multiple fields viz. financial stability, women entrepreneurship, women’s self-help groups, etc. need to be highlighted by the newspapers rather depicting them as a consumable object and showcasing their beauty rather professing their strength.


women’s rights, framing analysis, qualitative analysis, the hindu
