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A National assessment of aichi biodiversity target 12 – an international conservation initiative


The Aichi Biodiversity targets are a set of twenty targets for the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) that were developed with the intention to help each participating country to measure the progress made in preventing the loss of biological diversity. These targets provide a 10-year period for taking action by the countries. These targets setup in 2010 are expected to be achieved within 2020 by all the 193 countries signatory to CBD. Aichi Biodiversity Target 12 is considered to be one of the most important targets, which is directly or indirectly linked to all of the other 19 CBD Targets. Aichi-12 sets up the goal for each country to prevent the extinction of known threatened species and improve the conservation status of those species that are on decline. This target calls for establishment of conservation plans for species that face a high risk to extinction. Hence, it is of urgent need to understand the extinction risk posed to each of the threatened species in the country and the factors that are responsible for the population decline in species. Therefore, it is important for taking initiatives to remove/reduce those factors posing risk to the survival of species. This study presents a brief overview of the status and progress made by India towards achievement of Aichi-12.


Aichi biodiversity target, Climate change, Environment, Convention on biological diversity, National biodiversity targets, Sixth National report, International union for conservation of nature’s
