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Sclerodermiform basal cell carcinoma: rare form in a young patient

Journal of Cancer Prevention & Current Research
Ibtissam Assenhaji, Mounia Bennani, Jihane Ziani, Sara Elloudi, Hanane Baybay, Fatima Zahra Mernissi


SBCC is a rare form of CCB with invasive architecture and potentially aggressive evolution. The diagnosis is based on clinical and dermoscopic features; whereas the confirmation is histological. Early diagnosis and surgical management is the main method to reduce disfiguring surgical excisions. We report one case of SBCC.


basal cell carcinoma, clinical, treatment, evolution, scleroderma, histology, surgical excision, somatic examination, UV radiation, BCC subtypes, pallisadic border, dermoscopic features, aggressive evolution, terebrante evolution
