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Diversity and abundance of scylla spp in mangrove habitat at Sungai Pinang village, Lingga

Biodiversity International Journal
Eddiwan Kamaruddin, Yusni Ikhwan Siregar, Zulfan Saam, Sukendi


This study examines the diversity and abundance of mangrove crabs (Scylla spp.), Which are carried out on mangrove ecosystems in Sungai Pinang village waters, East Lingga District, Lingga Regency, Riau Islands. Sampling was carried out at 8 locations, during the day and night, using quantitative descriptive methods. The yield of diversity and abundance of Scylla in this mangrove ecosystem is still low (H'=0.315; N=0.0011 individuals /m²). Area samples that are on high topography apparently contribute to the low level of diversity and abundance of Scylla spp. The recorded water quality includes temperature 28-30oC, pH 5.50 to 6.58, salinity 10.22-19.77‰, the tide height range is 8.50-72.42 cm, and type of substrate a lot of mud. It turns out that the quality of these waters is suitable for the life of Scylla spp crabs.


parameters of marine habitat, abundance, diversity, Scylla spp, sampling area
