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Interprofessional collaboration and associated factors among nurses and physicians working at public hospitals in Mekelle city tigray region, north Ethiopia, 2017

Nursing & Care Open Access Journal
Teklit Eukubay,1 Abebe Abate2

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Background: Inter professional collaboration is necessary to ensure that health care teams are efficient and able to provide collaboration, and joint decision making between the client and the health care teams in all areas of treatment planning and caring clients with the highest quality of care, in order to reach a determined goal, regardless of the health care settings.
Objective: To assess inter-professional collaboration and associated factors among nurses and physicians working in public hospitals at Mekelle town Tigray Northern Ethiopia 2017. Method: Institution based of quantitative cross sectional study design was conducted among 409 study participants were selected by simple random sampling techniques from all public hospitals of Mekelle city. The data were presented in the form of text, frequencies, tables and figures Logistic regression was used to test association between dependent and independent variables. All variables with P value≤0.25 were including in multivariable analysis and magnitude of association measured by using odds ratio at 95% confidence interval and statistically significant at p-value less than 0.05 was considered statically significant.
Result: This study indicates that more than half 222(54.3%) respondents were shows frequent collaborations. The determinants factors showed that unfavorable attitude of shared education and teamwork statistically significant associated 2.53 times higher for infrequent collaboration among those who has favorable attitude (AOR 2.53, 95% CI (1.44-4.45). Poor Communication showed associated 3.73 times higher for infrequent collaboration compared with respondents has good communication (AOR, 3.73, 95% CI (2.30-6.05).Similarly dissatisfied by organizational supports showed significant associated 2.94 times for infrequent collaboration which compared with respondents satisfied by organizational support (AOR 2.94 at 95% CI (1.83-4.73).
Conclusion: The finding of this study was reasonably good and this was caused by jointly collaborated professional activities but still it needs improvements. Organizational supports of professional growth, motivations and recognitions, taking responsibility, early conflict managements were pertinent factors to increase professional satisfaction, mutual understanding and collaborative practice.


nurse-physician collaboration, factors, mekelle, treatment team, team members, staff, abusive behaviors, nurses, physicians, nurse-client relationship, text, frequencies, tables
