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Psychophysiological aspects of professional activity

MOJ Sports Medicine
Aftimichuk Olga


Professional competencee implies a personality trait that is formed in the process of the corresponding activity. At the same time, it is established that psycho-physiological indicators affect the nature of the subjective activity of the teacher.

In this aspect in the article is made an attempt to study psycho-physiological features of pedagogical activities in order to improve the process of professional teachers training. It was carried out an analysis of materials on the work psychology and work physiology. The definitions and characteristics of mental and physical work are presented. The study showed that the performance of professional duties requires certain requirements for the musculoskeletal system of the employee and his mental processes, which is being regulated by the central nervous system. There were revealed the characteristics of functional systems. Their self-regulation contributes to human adaptation for working conditions.

This way, the process of becoming future teachers of physical education will become more effective if their pedagogical and sports training is carried out not only on the basis of general psychological and pedagogical laws, but also taking into account the level of development of psycho-physiological indicators of this professional activity.


Profprofessional training of teacher, psychophysiology of pedagogic activityr.
