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Incidence of complications after cardiac surgery

International Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal
Alissandra Almeida Matos,Daniela Bispo Silva,1 Maiane Lima De Jesus,1 André Raimundo Guimarães,André Luiz Lisboa Cordeiro3


Introduction:Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death in the world their treatment is based on surgery, medication and installation of healthy habits. Among the treatments, the surgical one is the most complex and it has been increasing exponentially over the years, although its relevance has a significant mortality rate and an incidence of various complications.

Objective:Describe the incidence of complications in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Methodology: This is an observational study, with characteristics of an analytical study without any intervention. We followed the patients from the first postoperative day until hospital discharge through an assessment in the medical records through a questionnaire prepared by the project authors containing identification, surgery data and possible complications of cardiovascular, neurological, pulmonary, digestive, infectious renal origin, hydroelectrolytic and hematological.

Results:Fifty two patients participated in the study, 30 (58%) males, with a mean age of 54 ± 10 years. The most common complications were atelectasis 22 (42%), arrhythmia 6 (12%), stroke 2 (4%), and pulmonary infection 5 (10%).

Conclusion:Thus, the most frequent complications in the immediate postoperative period of patients undergoing cardiac surgery are pulmonary, cardiac and neurological.


postoperative complications, surgical procedures, cardiac surgery, acute myocardial infarction, balloon use. surgery, preoperative medication and reoperations, respiratory distress syndrome, pleural effusion, atelectasis, pneumonia, myocardial revascularization, congestive heart failure and arrhythmia
