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Assessment of iodine content in the commercial edible salt of Bangladesh

Journal of Nanomedicine Research
Mithun R Nath, Gouranga C Barmon, Tania SB Monir, Sujon Mia, Shujit C Paul, Snahasish Bhowmik

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IDD (Iodine deficiency disorder) is regarded as a major global public health disease. Universal salt iodization will root out this problem. In Bangladesh, at least six core people suffer from iodine deficiency as producers market table salt without adding iodine in compliance with government rules. As a result, such deficiency is causing hypothyroidism, resulting in thyroid enlargement, mental retardation, increased neonatal and infant mortality, retardation of growth and development of the central nervous system in children (cretinism), reproductive failure, and an increase in the fluid in the tissues. All of this is due to the lack of iodine in table salt. Iodine is a mineral present in certain foods. To produce thyroid hormones, the body needs iodine. Such hormones regulate the metabolism of the body, as well as many other essential functions. The body also needs thyroid hormones during pregnancy and infancy for proper development of the bone and brain. The research was demonstrated to determine the concentration of iodine obtained from different areas of Bangladesh in different labeled salt. All the samples were obtained by Noakhali and out of Noakhali City. The concentration of iodine in salt was determined by the iodometric titration process. K2Cr2O7, standardized Na2S2O3, KI, NaHCO3, starch, concentrated HCl, H2SO4 were used as reagents. Most of the salts collected show an acceptable level of iodine. Result showing that only one out of ten brands showed poor iodine content. From the result, it can be decided that most of our country's people now use iodized salt.


Iodine deficiency disorders, symptoms, treatment, iodine determination
