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Gestation age at the diagnosis of threatened preterm labour and the success of atosiban

International Journal of Pregnancy & Child Birth
Mohamed A  Khalil, Abdullah Awad A Al Ibrahim, R Saad, Mohamed Gawish, M A Ramadan, A Elmatary, M Soliman, W Alsheikh


Objective: To assess the effect of gestational age at diagnosis or threatened preterm labour (TPL) on the success of Tocolytic using Atosiban (i.e. prolongation of pregnancy).

Methodology: A retrospective observational study the pregnant women admitted to the hospital  with  threatened  preterm  labour,  and  who  received  Atosiban  as  a  tocolytic  in  the  period 1st January 2015 till 31st December 2015 and the follow up till the timing of their delivery. Data were using an online data collecting system [Cerner; version 12.4.0 (441592)-2016 Citrix Systems, Inc]. After defining inclusion criteria; we created two groups Very Early Preterm (24 to <32 weeks) and Early Preterm (32-34 weeks) and Deferentvariables were studied among the two groups. The data were kept anonymously in an Excel sheet [(Microsoft Office -2016]. Statistical analysis was done using Wizard Pro (version 1.9.26). A P-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: Total of 84 cases was included during the study period. 47.6% and 52.4% belong to the Very Early Preterm (VEPT) and the Early Preterm (EPT)group, respectively. Mean maternal age (27.8±1.4 weeks and 27.0±1.6 week for VEPT and EPT respectively (p-value 0.43), same for gravidity (p-value 0.88) with a median of 2 each. Median gestation age at  diagnosis  of  PTL  was  29.2  and  33  weeks,  respectively  (p-value  <0.001).  Median cervical dilation at diagnosis was 2 cm for each (p-value 0.53). Median Duration Atosiban Administration was 48 and 39.5 hours for VEPT and EPT, respectively (p-value 0.53). The Median Interval between Atosiban Discontinuation & Delivery was 16 and 16.5 days (p-value 0.71). The median gestation age at delivery was 32 and 36 weeks respectively (p-value <0.001).

Conclusion: Our study revealed that indifference that gestational age can do to influence the success of the Atusiban in prolonging the pregnancy. Preventing Preterm labour shall be an outmost goal to achieve.


gestational age, preterm labour, early preterm, maternal age, tocolysis
