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A subtle stroke

Journal of Neurology & Stroke
Rafael Ferreira Nascimento, Diogo Raposo André, João Miguel Freitas, João Patrício Freitas, Rafael Freitas

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1.1.  Introduction:The authors present a clinical case of an ischemic stroke that presented with anomic aphasia.

1.2.  Case report:A 75-year old woman was brought to the emergency department with an anomic aphasia that had started that day. The neurological exam confirmed the anomic aphasia with no other associated findings. The Head-CT Scan showed focal points of ischemic gliosis without any other acute changes that could suggest vascular lesions particularly in the middle cerebral artery territory. The patient was hospitalized in the cerebrovascular disease unit with the diagnosis of ischemic stroke. During her stay at the unit, the patient developed a decreased nasolabial fold prominence on the right side, motor aphasia, dysmetria and a lack of balance while walking. On the fourth day, the patient underwent an MRI that revealed a sub-acute infarction in a partial territory of the left middle cerebral artery with a partially re-canalized thrombus in the inferior M2 branch of this artery. Blood work showed a dyslipidemia. The echocardiogram detected a type 1 diastolic dysfunction with an ejection fraction of 55%. Patient was discharged after 8 days. Currently, the patient is followed in the cerebrovascular diseases department. The neurological evaluation demonstrates aphasia with some impairment of comprehension and naming, the speech has fluency loss showing occasional anomic pauses and paraphasias.

1.3.  Conclusion: The authors alert to the fact that a stroke can present itself in multiple ways, stressing the role of the clinical symptoms in its diagnosis.


motor aphasia, dysmetria, computed tomography, eco-doppler, ischemic stroke, ideomotor apraxia
