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Prevalence of anxiolytics and antidepressants use, physical activity and associates in patients with diseases overweight in a nutrition service clinic in South city Caxias

Advances in Obesity, Weight Management & Control
Lora Albini Franciele, Roberta Soldatelli Pagno Paim, Marcia Alves Keller

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Introduction: Overweight is characterized by excessive accumulation of body fat and is already considered as a non-communicable chronic disease. The factors are complex and multifactorial them, hereditary, environmental, social and food.

Objective: To analyze the prevalence of tranquilizers and antidepressants, physical activity and  associated  diseases  in  overweight  patients  in  a  nutritional  care  clinic  in  the  city  of  Caxias do Sul.

Method: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive and retroactive. The research was conducted in  a  private  educational  institution  in  the  city  of  Caxias  do  Sul.  The  data  collection  was  carried out through the analyzes the records of patients treated between January 2016 and December 2017. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics, through Microsoft Office Excel.

Results:  There  were  43  records  collected  data.  The  prevalence  of  females,  with  a  mean  age  of  36  years,  high  education  and  an  average  income  of  $  1587.90.  Overweight  was  present in 55.81% of the sample. As for the conditions encountered, the most prevalent was hypertension. Regarding the use of drugs, the majority (79.07%) did not use antidepressant or  anxiolytic.  However,  ten  were  mentioned  anxiolytic  and  antidepressant  drugs,  used  singly or in combination. The most prevalent was fluoxetine hydrochloride.

Conclusion: There was a low prevalence of use of anxiolytic and antidepressant (20.93%) in  patients  with  overweight  on  a  Program  for  Food  and  Nutrition  Service  in  the  city  of  Caxias  do  Sul.  The  prevalence  of  females,  with  a  mean  age  of  36  years,  high  education  and an average income of $ 1587.90. Overweight was present in 55.81% of the sample. As for the conditions encountered, the most prevalent was hypertension. Regarding the use of drugs, the majority (79.07%) did not use antidepressant or anxiolytic. However, ten were mentioned  anxiolytic  and  antidepressant  drugs,  used  singly  or  in  combination.  The  most  prevalent was fluoxetine hydrochloride


pharmacology, depression, nutritional status, antidepressants, overweight
