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Robotic/laparoscopic hysterectomy & orchiopexy for familial persistent mullerian duct syndrome

Urology & Nephrology Open Access Journal
Saud A Almousa, Abdulrahman  I Aljasser, Ahmad  M Alhazmi,  Naif A Aldhaam, Abdullah S Alfakhri, Maher S Moazin

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Background: Persistent  Mullerian  duct  syndrome  (PMDS)  in  which  Mullerian  duct  derivatives  are  seen  in  a  male  patient  is  a  rare  form  of  pseudohermaphroditism.  PMDS  is  characterized  with  undescended  testes  and  underdeveloped  uterus  in  genetically  and  phenotypically male infants or adults.

Case  series  summary:  We  present  three  siblings  in  which  they  were  referred  to  our  institute  with  primary  infertility  and  were  investigated  furtherly.  Diagnosed  with  PMDS  and underwent robotic/laparoscopic hysterectomy and orchiopexy.

Discussion: Robotic/laparoscopic  approach  in  the  management  of  PMDS  has  been  published in the pediatric and adult age groups. In the literature, the approaches concluded to be achievable.

Conclusion:  As  familial  PMDS  has  been  presented,  minimally  invasive  approach  is  feasible with good results.


PMDS, orchiopexy, hysterectomy, robotic, laparoscopic
