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Benefits of physical activity for the development of autistic children

International Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal
Ellen Aniszewski,1 Hellen Almeida,2 Aline Alvernaz3


Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulty in establishing social relationships and a wide range of changes in the acquisition and use of language and motor behavior. Currently, there is no consolidated cure for autism and the practice of physical activity has been a resource used to minimize its deficits. The objective of this text was to present the benefits of physical activity in the global development of autistic children found in the literature, listing the activities used in research. The predominance of aerobic activities was observed and the main benefits were improvements in motor and psychomotor behavior and social interaction. It is concluded that the practice of physical activity has a positive impact on the essential and daily activities of children with autism.


autism, physical activity, benefits, therapeutic and sports, therapeutic activities, educational assistance, treatment, adherence, physical sphere, covering socialization, life expectancy and quality, incidence of diabetes, blood pressure
