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The use of information and communication technologies for teaching anatomy

MOJ Anatomy & Physiology
Philippe Manyacka MA Nyemb1,2


Introduction: The advent of information and communication technologies has led to significant developments in the field of medical education. These technologies have positive impacts particularly in the learning of many medical disciplines such as anatomy. The introduction of ICT in anatomy has already taken place in many medical schools. ICT constitute a large and inexhaustible database, even if not all sources have the same reliability.

Materials and methods: One hundred and thirty-three students of license 1 and license 2 of medicine were subjected to a survey on several aspects of ICT (logistics, use of a smart phone, frequency and duration of connection to the internet, type of website visited to learn anatomy, language used, IT students' experience, training materials).

Results: A majority of students owned a computer and were able to perform word processing and power point presentations. Many students use to connect with their smart phones, and usually visit anatomy websites. Through this work, the students also exposed the strengths and limits of the use of ICT in anatomy.

Conclusion: ICT has become a catalyst for change in university education. In the area of the learning of anatomy, this is an undeniable progress. ICT represents an extremely efficient means of communication, which will be less and less expensive.


information and communication technologies, anatomy, learning, training, communication, medical students, progressively, computer tools, new technologies, dissemination of information, academic year of anatomy, questionnaire
