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Surgically assisted rapid expansion in two patients with maxillary transverse deficiency

MOJ Orthopedics & Rheumatology
Hugo Romero,1 Nadia Irias,1 Juan Guifarro,2 Alejandro Estrada,3 Vima Umanzor,4 Fabio Caballero,5 Mario Gabrie,5 Guillermo Bendaña,5 Ishla Mayorga5

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The surgeon and orthodontist face daily difficulties with correcting a patient's occlusion. Compressed maxilla is a big obstacle to conventional orthodontic treatment or orthognathic surgery. The Surgically Assisted Rapid Palate Expansion is a way to optimize the treatment, based on osteogenic distraction and tissue distraction, reaching more quickly the necessary dimensions of the palate. The purpose of this article is to make the case report of two patients with age differences and show the results obtained in each.


SARPE, osteogenic distraction, osteogenic distracter, maxillary transversal deficiency, root resorption, palatal necrosis, periodontal problems, transverse dimension, disjunction, lingual inclination, dentofacial deformity, class III malocclusion, young patients, rapid expansion, criteria, orthodontics treatment
