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A rare cause of acute mechanical intestinal obstruction: abdominal cocoon syndrome

MOJ Surgery
Talar Vartanoglu Aktokmakyan,1 Candas Ercetin,2 Hakan Yigitbas,2 Osman Bilgin Gulcicek,2 Erkan Yavuz,2 Aytac Biricik,2 Fikert Calikoglu,2 Fatih Celebi,2 Atilla Celik2


Abdominal cocoon syndrome (ACS), which is a rare cause of acute mechanical intestinal obstruction, is usually found incidentally during laparotomy. Although ACS is a rare clinical diagnosis, it is still a contradictory in the definition. ACS can be primary or secondary. According to the etiological factors and examinations, discrimination can be done. The preoperative diagnosis of ACS is difficult due to non-specific clinical features. However, the diagnosis is can made by exploratory laparotomy. In this paper, we presented the oldest female cocoon who diagnosed after the laparotomy.


abdominal cocoon syndrome, acute mechanical intestinal obstruction
