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Airway management in patient with retractable scar in neck: a case report

Journal of Anesthesia & Critical Care: Open Access
Barbabosa Balanzario Manuel Alejandro, Sánchez López Roberto Alejandro, Flores Uribe Cynthia Edith, Gil López Jorge Guillermo, Carriola Zamilpa Carlos Ignacio, Puente Solorio Armando, Cruz Martinez Cynthia


44-year-old male patient hospitalized 4 months ago for presenting a 25% body surface burn
in thoracic limbs and face; as well as airway. Developing a retractable scar in the anterior
neck which progressed, so it was scheduled by plastic surgery service for scar release plus
the application of anterolateral free thigh flap.
Anesthetic management was given with general anesthetic with intubation in an awake
patient with flexible fibroscopy, based on fentanyl and intravenous propanidid, once vocal
cords are crossed with the fibroscope endotracheal tube is introduced and balanced general
anesthesia is provided. Surgical anterolateral free thigh flap procedure ends, endotracheal
tube is removed, without complications. In the late postoperative period, the patient presents
favorable evolution with adequate flexion and cervical extension with the use of the flap.


burn, difficult airway, awake intubation, retractable scar, propanidid
