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Upper third auricular reconstruction surgery of cauliflower ear following auricular perichondritis: a case report

Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research
Reksodiputro MH, Sriyana AS, Reksodiputro LA, Mufida T


Cauliflower ear is the deformity result of necrosis of the cartilage and which is caused by several etiologies. One of the etiology was perichondritis and as the disease progress, abscess will developed and peel the perichondrial layer off the cartilage and resulting the necrosis and deformity of the auricle. This paper will discuss about male patient who developed cauliflower ear after had several episodes of perichondritis. This paper will further discuss about the reconstruction surgery for the deformity. 


Cauliflower ear, reconstruction surgery, perichondritis, perichondrial layer, Physical examination, Costal cartilage, hospitalized
