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Studying the structure of cardiovascular pathologies in patients with chronic kidney disease of the terminal stage of rural population receiving hemodialysis

Urology & Nephrology Open Access Journal
Daminov BT,1,2 Sharapov ON,1,2 Dyagilev VA3


This article presents the results of studying the structure of the damage to the cardiovascular system in patients with terminal stage chronic kidney disease who are on programmed hemodialysis of the rural population of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Scientific research was conducted among the rural population in the Department of Nephrology and hemodialysis of the Syrdarya multidisciplinary medical center. As a result of the examination of 61 patients, it was shown that the main pathologies of CVS in this patient population are arterial hypertension, angina pectoris and chronic heart failure. It was also revealed a high comorbidity of cardiovascular pathology.


cardiovascular, CKD, Dialysis, IHD, RRT, rural people
