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Forced displacement in Colombia and its international obligations

Sociology International Journal
Jaime Alberto Sandoval Mesa,Natalia Catalina Ubajoa Fierro2


The historical context of Colombia with more than 60 years of armed conflict (1948 - present) reveals that the phenomenon of forced displacement and migration has occurred in various periods. This phenomenon has not ceased and on the contrary continues to present itself today and therefore represents a significant role in various national and international scenarios, associated both with public policies for its prevention and mitigation and in the prosecution of crimes that are associated with this phenomenon. This article analyzes the various phenomena of migration and displacement and their causes that make it irrepressible at present and that imply new alternative mechanisms of solution, different from punitive repressive aspects. The data is developed through a hermeneutic, analytical and jurisprudential analysis method. For this purpose, the document was prepared using historical, descriptive, teleological and reflective instruments.



forced displacement, migration, guiding principles, consensus, protection, reintegration, crime, IHL violation
