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A chronicle of temperature and SARS-CoV-2 viability: a retrospective study


The COVID-19 outbreak, which emerged in Wuhan city China, at the end of 2019, burgeoned into a pandemic in March 2020 and now has become a grievous public health issue. One of the pronounced features of this malady was its propensity of transmission in the healthcare premises, among close family and social contact. The stability of the virus at different temperature and the influence of meteorological factors on the transmission posed to be key factors for the spread of COVID-19 since the beginning. This study aimed to find the impact of temperature on the extremity of the COVID-19 outbreak on a worldwide scale and to explore the association between COVID-19 death and weather parameter. As it was earlier speculated that the transmission of COVID-19 might be dwindling or even disappeared when the temperature and UV radiation increase in the summer. So, since the climate seems to be one of the key variances between the countries with high and low COVID-19 cases, we have cross-checked temperature among the topmost 50 affected countries with COVID-19. Our perusal showed no possible association between low temperature and high temperature with increases number of daily COVID-19 cases throughout the world.


COVID 19, temperature, warmer climate, lipids molecules, transmissible disease, nosocomial transmission, thermometer, ultraviolet rays
