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Osteosynthesis of ankle fractures with an intramedullary nail of the fibula: surgical technique

International Journal of Radiology & Radiation Therapy
Matheus Levy Almeida Taveira de Souzaa,1 Hugo Bertani Dressler,1 Bruno Jannotti Padua,1 Anderson Humberto Gomes,1 João Murilo Brandão Magalhães,1 Rogério de Andrade Gomes,1 Rodrigo Simões Castilho,2 Wagner Vieira da Fonseca,3 Roberto Zambelli de Almeida Pinto4


Ankle fractures are common and represent approximately a quarter of all lower limb fractures. The general concepts for osteosynthesis techniques for deviated and unstable fractures have undergone little change since the 1960s. The presence of comorbidities and poor soft tissue conditions, especially in elderly patients, is associated with a higher rate of postoperative complications. Intramedullary implants have the advantage of using smaller incisions, which minimizes skin damage allowing for early loading. The present technical note describes the use of the fibular intramedullary nail with a minimally invasive approach to deviated and unstable ankle fractures.


ankle fracture, fibula stem, internal fixation, malleolus
