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Subungual osteochondroma: case report and review of clinical, radiologic and ultrasound presentation versus subungual exostosis

Journal of Dermatology & Cosmetology
Laura Vergara-de-la-Campa,¹ Álvaro González-Cantero,² Obdulia Garcia- Olmedo,¹ J González Cantero3


While osteochondromas represent the most common primary bone tumors of the foot, the subungual presentation is less frequent. These lesions appear as firm solitary nodules with a tendency to grow, causing deformity of the overlying nail. We present the case of subungual osteochondroma with its characteristic clinical and radiologic features, adding the complementary visualization of its ultrasound findings, which have barely been described in published literature, unlike the subungual exostosis, its main differential diagnosis.


ultrasonography, subungual osteochondroma, nail disorders, neoplasms-benign, hyperkeratotic subungual tumor, hyperkeratotic, subungual tumor
