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Rare finding in patient with blunt upper abdominal trauma

Journal of Cancer Prevention & Current Research
Sushila Ladumor,1,2 Amal Rashid3


The duodenum is relatively protected due to its retroperitoneal location. An isolated duodenal injury (IDI) involving the duodenum is rarely seen following a blunt abdominal trauma. Here we are reporting rare imaging findings in young patient of 30 yrs. old gentle man presented with blunt upper abdominal trauma with mild upper abdominal tenderness. The main reason to report this case is to identify rare isolated injury in cross-sectional imaging findings, and management of IDI. As IDI can present vaguely and difficult to diagnose clinically. If periduodenal free fluid seen on computed tomography scan and adjacent organs are within normal with no obstructive changes can raise possibility of the duodenal injury. Early diagnosis is very helpful for management as well as important to prevent associated early and late complication.


blunt abdominal trauma, duodenal injury, duodenal hematoma, isolated duodenal hematoma, endoscopic ultrasound, emergency department, diagnostic peritoneal lavage, abdominal pain, late complication, uncinated process, duodenal hematoma, transverse arrow, proximal obstruction, passing distally, hypoechoic, hematoma, blunt trauma
