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Patient satisfaction to health service delivery and associated factors at negelle arsi general hospital and medical college, oromia regional state, southeast Ethiopia

International Journal of Family & Community Medicine
Ashebir Nigussie Yirgu,1 Moges Daba,2 Segni Bekele Wakwaya3


Introduction: Patient satisfaction is patient’s judgment of their desires and expectations of health care. It is recognized as an important parameter for assessing the quality of patient care services delivered by healthcare organizations. Therefore, it reflects the gap between the expected services and the experience of the service.

Objective: To assess patient satisfaction toward Health service deliveries and factors associated with satisfaction at Negele Arsi General Hospital and Medical College, Negelle, Ethiopia, 2018.

Method: Institutional based cross-sectional study design was conducted. All patients greater than 18 years old visited Health service deliveries at NegeleArsi General Hospital and Medical College during study period were included. Critically ill patients were excluded. All items in the structured questionnaire were scored on five-point Likert scale. Data was collected by one nurse diploma holder. Data was entered in to SPSS version 20 computer program by investigator for analysis. Most of the responses were analyzed descriptively with simple frequency distribution as a measure of central tendency and percentages.

Results: The proportion of the patients who were satisfied in health care services rendered at Negele Arsi General Hospital and Medical College was 90.8% and among the respondents 2.0% were dissatisfied and 7.2% were neutral. Majority of the patients were satisfied with the Pharmacy services (95.7%). Similarly, 84(93.3%) of the respondents were satisfied with the services rendered by Physicians, Midwifery and Nurses. On the contrary, the proportions of low satisfied respondents (85.0%) were with the Laboratory services.

Conclusion and recommendation: The proportion of the patients who were satisfied was relatively high. However, payment for the service, and long waiting time for laboratory result were found to be the major causes of dissatisfaction. Therefore, the Hospital management should identify these departments and plan for a better service delivery.


satisfaction, patients, hospital, negele arsi
