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Evaluation of single-cross and trilineal hybrids with su1 gene from mexican landraces

Horticulture International Journal
José Alberto Sánchez-Nuño,Lino De la Cruz-Larios,1Abraham Guerrero-Corona,Moisés Martín Morales-Rivera,Eduardo Rodríguez-Guzmán,Fernando Santacruz-Ruvalcaba1


Sweet corn is a vegetable eaten fresh. This research evaluates hybrid sweet maize carrying su1 gene. In the first stage 30 single-cross and 47 trilinear hybrids were evaluated in separate experiments using Alpha Lattice design. Results showed competence data on 11 hybrids, outstanding in yield and degrees Brix. Those were evaluated in a second stage in three separate experiments, using two environments with a randomized blocks design and eight repetitions. Significant differences were found(P≤0.01) between experiments, repetitions and treatments with higher yield and degrees Brix over reference items.By crossing native sweet maizewith elite lines of non-sweet maize sweet hybrids with same sweetness and significant improvement of plant and corn quality for Mexican landraces were obtained.


maíz dulce, dulcillo delnoroeste, sweet mexican hybrids, genetic improvement, gene su1, semi-warm subhumid climates, single-cross, agronomic characteristics, generated single-cross, trilinear hybrids, maize grains, sweet grain, backpack sprayer, biological farming insecticide
