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Public perceptions for managing coastal hazards study on Indian sundarbans

Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology
Rakesh Bera, Ramkrishna Maiti


Community perception becomes a central issue for hazard mitigation of an area. Present study made an attempt to assess public opinion regarding various problems associated with life and livelihood of Sundarbans. A survey was conducted over 254 households located along 22 mangrove fringe villages of Kultali, Gosaba and Hingalganj. Waterlogging, erosion, salinity, storm surges and embankment breaching are the major challenges identified during the survey. Details account of causes, consequences and their spatial extension have been presented and future coping strategies are also recommended. Elevating houses (92%), green buffering (80%) and construction of pucca house (9.8%) are the desired coping strategies for different hazards. Regarding future strategies, 48% like to stay if Govt. initiated for hazard mitigation and 37% like to live with the disaster


perception, hazard, coping strategies, green buffering, hazard mitigation, water degradation, waterlogging, environmental changes, chronicity
