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Early developmental stages in spore germination of Laurencia sp. 1(Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Kyaikkhami and Setse coastal areas, Mon state 

Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology
Soe Pa Pa Kyaw, San Tha Tun, U Soe Htun


Liberated tetraspores and carpospores of mature plants of Laurencia sp. 1 collected from
Kyaikkhami (Lat. 16° 05′ N, Long. 97°34′E) and Setse (Lat. 15°52′ N, Long. 97° 8′ E)
coastal areas had been cultured at temperature 25°C under 16L:8D photoperiod using PES
medium in 20 ‰ salinity. The development of tetrasporelings in the laboratory cultures
stopped after 30 days, whereas that of carposporelings stopped after 20 day. Both tetraspores
and carpospores germinate into bipolar sporelings with erect shoot and colourless rhizoidal
filaments in Laurencia sp. 1. Moreover, the germination pattern of tetraspores was similar
with that of carpospores. However, the growth rate of carposporelings was slower than
tetrasporelings. In the present study, the germling stages of both tetraspore and carpospore
showed the Fucus type of the germination pattern. The developmental stages of tetraspore
and carpospore germination of Laurencia sp. 1 were briefly described.


carpospores, germination, kyaikkhami, laboratory culture, laurencia sp. 1, setse, tetraspores, cystocarpic, tetrasporangial, epiphytes
