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Isolated necrosis of central tegmental tracts due to neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: MRI findings

Journal of Neurology & Stroke
Tomás de Andrade Lourenção Freddi, Luiz Fellipe Curvêlo Ciraulo Santos, Nelson Paes Fortes Diniz Ferreira, Felipe Diego Gomes Dantas

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Perinatal hypoxia is an old entity that still prevails today and may lead to neurological sequelae that can go unnoticed until a certain age, generating many costs for public health. In this case report, we demonstrate on magnetic resonance imaging an unusual pattern of perinatal hypoxia in a preterm 5-month-old infant, involving the central tegmental tracts and briefly discuss its possible pathophysiology.


magnetic resonance imaging, asphyxia, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, tegmentum, neonates, brainstem
