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A study on disease dynamics of covid-19 in different states of India: A data driven analysis of the available evidence

Journal of Cancer Prevention & Current Research
Pradyuman Verma, Jang Bahadur Prasad, Naresh K Tyagi


Case Fatality Ratios (C.F.R.) in neighbouring countries recently varied widely, with highest being in Afghanistan (2.43%), followed by Pakistan (2.05%), Bangladesh (1.26%), Sri Lanka (0.54%), Maldives (0.38%), and Nepal (0.21%). This study–based on analysis of COVID-19 data from India, was undertaken to investigate into the inter-state differentials in active case rates, recovery rates & CFRs, role of selected demographic risk variables on case-load and trends in active cases in top 10 most affected States.


COVID-19 disease, active case ratio, trend, case fatality ratio
