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TOR participation on the root system changes of Arabidopsis during its interaction with Azospirillum

Journal of Applied Biotechnology & Bioengineering
Elizabeth Carrillo-Flores, Jonanci Arreola-Rivera, Denni Mariana Pazos-Solis, Moises Bocanegra-Mondragon, Grisel Fierros-Romero, Maria Elena Mellado-Rojas, Elda Beltran-Pena


The root system of the plant is essential for taking up water and nutrients, serves as an anchor and is the organ where plant-microorganism interaction takes place. When the Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Azospirillum brasilense Sp245 colonizes the root of the plants, it halts the growth of the primary root and stimulates the development of the lateral roots and root hairs which support vegetative, green biomass.


Arabidopsis, Azospirillum, TOR, auxins, PAT
