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Treatment of patients with advanced diabetes type 2 and hypertension without the use of conventional treatment is possible: white matter alterations and treatment of diabetes and hypertnsion as a new medical hypothesis


Diabetes has been described for 3500 years. Therapeutic options vary but they involve giving insulin or lowering glucose such as metformin. The objective of this study was to report how diabetes type 2 and hypertension can be treated successfully without using the diabetes conventional treatments. A 50 years male with high glucose level (330 mg/ dl), HBA1c (9.6%). Blood profile was altered. Hypertension was elevated (145/100) mm hg. The patient expressed his tension and desire not to commit conventional diabetic and hypertension treatment and asked for other therapeutic alternatives. Based on our experience, we recommended him to use two spoon of ground Urtica pilulifera (U. p)/ day, and to use two capsules of Ammi visnaga (A.V) following each meal. Further, the patient followed the dietary restrictions by replacing white bread with a spoon and followed some exercise programs by walking for 30 minutes a day. The results of this program were shown as continuous lowering blood glucose to the level of 117 mg/dl, and blood pressure was 123/79 after 5 days. Taken together, both diabetes type 2 and hypertension can be successfully treated naturally


diabetes type 2, hypertension, Ammi visnaga, Urtica pilulifera, glucose
