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Choledochal cyst in association with agenesis of the gallbladder. What is the best diagnostic method? 

Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Care
Carmen Elisa Espinosa Pereiro,1 Pilar Fernández Eire,2 Andrea Berbel Rodríguez,3 Ana Concheiro Guisán1 


This manuscript presents the review of a clinical case late diagnosed due to the lack of symptoms and clinical signs associated with the very rare association of choledochal cyst and gallbladder agenesis. This led to multiple radiological tests being performed in an attempt to reach a correct diagnosis. We report the case of a 9-year-old-girl with self-limited episodes of vomiting and abdominal pain for years that was finally diagnosed with gallbladder agenesis and choledochal cyst. Due to the possibility of malignancy of the choledochal cyst (especially in types I and IV of the Todani classification), she underwent surgery by performing a resection of the cyst and a hepaticojejunostomy. Parental informed consent and ethical board clearance was obtained, although no data that could identify the patient is presented.


Gallbladder diagnostic imaging, choledochal cyst, hepatobiliary surgery in children
