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Production optimization in the automotive industry using check sheet to reduce unscheduled downtime

MOJ Applied Bionics and Biomechanics
Amanda Aparecida Candido Almeida, Amanda dos Santos Oliveira, Clélio Nunes de Souza Junior, Edgard de Carvalho Pereira, Rafael Nunes Viana, Raphael Augusto Parreiras Gallegos


The study was developed in an automotive industry, due to the increase in unscheduled stops in the cylinder head production line and the lack of information and records. Therefore, the verification sheet was applied as a methodology, as it is a quality tool that aims to evaluate the production inefficiency index, in order to guarantee improvements in the indicators. With the help of indicators and in order to increase productivity and reduce costs and waste, the analysis of stops in the production process was divided into four sectors, namely maintenance activities, tooling problems, preparation and the production process itself. After this analysis, it was necessary to quantify the hours lost over the three months. Therefore, after the study, improvement was achieved in filling out the verification sheet, records and complete and correct information, trained employees in addition to a significant reduction in downtime and a significant increase in production.


productive inefficiency, quality management, stops, production line, check sheet
