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Sextuplets: management of a higher order pregnancy in a medium-resource setting

Obstetrics & Gynecology International Journal
Bharat Bassaw,1 Javed Chinnia,1 Jonathan Ramsarran,2 Falima Ali-Bassaw,1 Dinesh Singh,2 Shuntelli Harry,2 Shane Khan1


A 28-year-old gravida 1 para 0 was referred to the Mt. Hope Maternity Hospital, a tertiary teaching institution at 8 weeks of gestation with excessive vomiting in pregnancy secondary to a sextuplet pregnancy. She was given empirical clomiphene citrate 100mg for 10 days after having difficulty conceiving with know polycystic ovarian syndrome. She conceived after the first course of clomiphene citrate. After being counseled on the many maternal and fetal complications with higher-order pregnancy and a clear road-map for the management of the pregnancy, which included multifetal pregnancy reduction (MFPR), this was declined due to socio-cultural and ethical grounds.


Fertility and assisted reproduction, General obstetrics, Maternal medicine, Fetal medicine, Multiple gestation, Clomiphene citrate
